Dialogue: 0,0:11:24.75,0:20:36.72,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}虽然通过代理已经知道了 但是 번역 - Dialogue: 0,0:11:24.75,0:20:36.72,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}虽然通过代理已经知道了 但是 영어 말하는 방법

Dialogue: 0,0:11:24.75,0:20:36.72,D

Dialogue: 0,0:11:24.75,0:20:36.72,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}虽然通过代理已经知道了 但是还是要再确认一次
Dialogue: 0,0:11:28.88,0:20:36.72,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}你希望国选律师为你辩护吗
Dialogue: 0,0:11:32.72,0:20:36.72,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}我是无罪的
Dialogue: 0,0:11:34.16,0:20:36.72,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}在判决出来之前 你是无罪的
Dialogue: 0,0:11:37.36,0:11:38.42,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}就这样
Dialogue: 0,0:11:39.66,0:11:41.42,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}那我为什么被困在这里
Dialogue: 0,0:11:46.40,0:11:50.39,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}因为人死了 所以一般来说是没有保障的
Dialogue: 0,0:11:51.47,0:11:53.17,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}那害死我儿子的人在哪儿
Dialogue: 0,0:11:57.11,0:11:58.41,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}是金秀满吧
Dialogue: 0,0:11:58.55,0:11:59.48,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}那个拆迁者
Dialogue: 0,0:12:00.32,0:12:02.04,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}那个人当然也在拘留所
Dialogue: 0,0:12:03.25,0:12:04.45,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}真想杀人啊 兔崽子
Dialogue: 0,0:12:06.99,0:12:08.19,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,不是流氓
Dialogue: 0,0:12:10.08,0:12:10.81,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,是警察
Dialogue: 0,0:12:12.59,0:12:13.46,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}警察吗
Dialogue: 0,0:12:16.70,0:12:17.89,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}有目击者吗
Dialogue: 0,0:12:18.20,0:12:19.19,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}我就是目击者
Dialogue: 0,0:12:21.34,0:12:22.53,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}帮我公诉吧
Dialogue: 0,0:12:23.94,0:12:25.96,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}起诉那些无限流氓的家伙们
Dialogue: 0,0:12:26.57,0:12:28.24,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}起诉他们所有人
Dialogue: 0,0:12:29.71,0:12:31.14,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}您杀了人吗
Dialogue: 0,0:12:32.28,0:12:33.21,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}律师
Dialogue: 0,0:12:34.65,0:12:36.64,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}我只有救我儿子这一条罪
Dialogue: 0,0:12:49.53,0:12:50.62,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}朴宰浩先生
Dialogue: 0,0:12:52.97,0:12:54.87,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}你希望国选律师为你辩护吗
Dialogue: 0,0:13:01.94,0:13:02.88,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}这就是全部吗
Dialogue: 0,0:13:05.41,0:13:06.44,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}要说的话
Dialogue: 0,0:13:09.98,0:13:10.95,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}这就是全部吗
Dialogue: 0,0:13:15.49,0:13:20.19,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}那个小区 在奥运会之前是露宿者一起聚的地方
Dialogue: 0,0:13:21.03,0:13:24.90,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}可是现在在说什么新故乡 才会再次赶他们
Dialogue: 0,0:13:26.20,0:13:28.33,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}事务局长 你当时也在现场吗
Dialogue: 0,0:13:29.40,0:13:30.77,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}我在联立二层
Dialogue: 0,0:13:31.47,0:13:32.70,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}那应该没看到现场
Dialogue: 0,0:13:33.41,0:13:33.77,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}是
Dialogue: 0,0:13:34.74,0:13:37.51,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}但是如果你需要的话 我可以做证言
Dialogue: 0,0:13:39.48,0:13:40.41,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}您不是没有看到吗
Dialogue: 0,0:13:40.92,0:13:43.41,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}你知道的 我们都是帮朴宰浩的
Dialogue: 0,0:13:45.29,0:13:48.85,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}事务局长 请你不要再说这种话了
Dialogue: 0,0:13:56.50,0:13:59.93,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}是啊 言论也不是那么不好
Dialogue: 0,0:14:01.60,0:14:03.80,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}要是看整体的话 我们也没什么亏的
Dialogue: 0,0:14:04.14,0:14:04.54,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}是
Dialogue: 0,0:14:05.01,0:14:05.73,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}是
Dialogue: 0,0:14:06.47,0:14:06.94,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}是
Dialogue: 0,0:14:14.08,0:14:14.84,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}进行的还顺利吧
Dialogue: 0,0:14:15.68,0:14:18.52,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}对于警察来说出动搜查是个问题
Dialogue: 0,0:14:19.09,0:14:19.82,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}漏洞
Dialogue: 0,0:14:22.89,0:14:23.91,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}虽然漏洞很多
Dialogue: 0,0:14:24.36,0:14:26.42,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}但是变到百分百什么的完全没有问题
Dialogue: 0,0:14:40.31,0:14:42.21,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}在星湖僿书中
Dialogue: 0,0:14:43.08,0:14:44.87,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}有句话叫做木实繁者 披枝伤心
Dialogue: 0,0:14:46.78,0:14:48.58,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}意思就是与其折断树枝
Dialogue: 0,0:14:48.58,0:14:50.92,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}开始就不能让枝芽长起来
Dialogue: 0,0:14:53.89,0:14:54.72,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}李部长
Dialogue: 0,0:14:59.13,0:15:02.06,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}树要中心立住才会长得高
Dialogue: 0,0:15:07.37,0:15:08.46,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}不是什么特别重要的事
Dialogue: 0,0:15:08.57,0:15:10.56,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}就别跟后辈们说
Dialogue: 0,0:15:11.01,0:15:11.43,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}是
Dialogue: 0,0:15:11.64,0:15:13.30,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}结果还是广平做吗
Dialogue: 0,0:15:14.44,0:15:15.27,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}是国选
Dialogue: 0,0:15:15.84,0:15:16.87,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}这样啊
Dialogue: 0,0:15:18.21,0:15:19.24,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}挺好的
Dialogue: 0,0:15:19.68,0:15:21.15,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}反正也没什么差异
Dialogue: 0,0:15:22.98,0:15:24.35,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}轻轻地做
Dialogue: 0,0:15:29.39,0:15:31.62,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}说没说不要管这件事
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.63,0:15:33.06,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}说了 但是不是看的视频吗
Dialogue: 0,0:15:33.13,0:15:36.39,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}就算是这样 但是做了这件事我们就完了
Dialogue: 0,0:15:36.80,0:15:38.39,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}你不知道是部长不让管的吗
Dialogue: 0,0:15:39.00,0:15:41.13,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}所以才要说服部长
Dialogue: 0,0:15:41.54,0:15:43.40,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}你以为部长可能会同意吗
Dialogue: 0,0:15:44.87,0:15:48.97,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}还有你有事的话 好好找条退路
Dialogue: 0,0:15:51.05,0:15:53.07,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}广平也把那件案子扔给了国选
Dialogue: 0,0:15:53.65,0:15:54.31,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}国选
Dialogue: 0,0:15:55.25,0:15:56.18,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}广平 为什么
Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.48,0:15:58.42,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}不想惹麻烦呗 不知道吗
Dialogue: 0,0:16:02.46,0:16:05.98,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}大家好 我是首尔警察局长
Dialogue: 0,0:16:06.76,0:16:07.66,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}为了全国人民
Dialogue: 0,0:16:08.10,0:16:12.53,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}妈的广平那小子
Dialogue: 0,0:16:43.40,0:16:44.59,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}尹镇源律师
Dialogue: 0,0:16:49.37,0:16:50.89,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}这次案件一定有内情吧
Dialogue: 0,0:16:51.84,0:16:52.17,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}啊
Dialogue: 0,0:16:54.21,0:16:57.08,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}被害人说 杀死儿子的是警察吧
Dialogue: 0,0:16:57.78,0:16:59.30,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}啊 被告人吗
Dialogue: 0,0:17:00.28,0:17:01.18,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}被告人吗
Dialogue: 0,0:17:01.45,0:17:01.81,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}是
Dialogue: 0,0:17:04.58,0:17:06.28,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}这句话 我还真是不习惯
Dialogue: 0,0:17:07.29,0:17:08.22,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}这里是打手
Dialogue: 0,0:17:08.26,0:17:09.21,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}这里是警察
Dialogue: 0,0:17:09.59,0:17:10.72,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}衣服好像啊
Dialogue: 0,0:17:10.99,0:17:13.52,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}最近打手和警察的衣服根本就分不清
Dialogue: 0,0:17:13.93,0:17:14.95,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}草 狗懒子
Dialogue: 0,0:17:16.23,0:17:17.06,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}看见了吧
Dialogue: 0,0:17:17.77,0:17:19.36,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}打手比警察先进去了
Dialogue: 0,0:17:20.13,0:17:22.60,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}准确来说13分钟后警察进去了
Dialogue: 0,0:17:22.64,0:17:24.26,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}然后这30分钟一直
Dialogue: 0,0:17:25.51,0:17:26.60,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}死了的朴新宇
Dialogue: 0,0:17:27.44,0:17:28.43,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}爸爸朴宰浩
Dialogue: 0,0:17:28.71,0:17:30.30,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}还有黑帮佣兵 金秀满
Dialogue: 0,0:17:31.11,0:17:31.77,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}理解了吧
Dialogue: 0,0:17:32.25,0:17:32.61,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}嗯
Dialogue: 0,0:17:35.82,0:17:36.87,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}你没理解吧
Dialogue: 0,0:17:38.92,0:17:39.78,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}我的意思是说
Dialogue: 0,0:17:40.35,0:17:42.05,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}如果金秀满杀了朴新宇的话
Dialogue: 0,0:17:42.09,0:17:43.78,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}应该在现场就被逮捕了
Dialogue: 0,0:17:45.16,0:17:45.72,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}可是你看
Dialogue: 0,0:17:46.39,0:17:47.52,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}没有逮捕他
Dialogue: 0,0:17:48.33,0:17:49.59,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}人死的瞬间
Dialogue: 0,0:17:49.80,0:17:51.79,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}那里就不是拆迁地而是杀人现场
Dialogue: 0,0:17:52.53,0:17:55.43,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}可是警察的作战一直在继续
Dialogue: 0,0:17:57.74,0:17:59.21,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}是拆迁户代表吧
Dialogue: 0,0:18:01.18,0:18:02.14,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}我是说
Dialogue: 0,0:18:03.18,0:18:05.15,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}不是说朴宰浩是无罪
Dialogue: 0,0:18:05.98,0:18:08.21,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}是说有什么在被隐瞒
Dialogue: 0,0:18:10.05,0:18:11.28,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}这不是小说
Dialogue: 0,0:18:14.92,0:18:16.55,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}看来不行啊
Dialogue: 0,0:18:17.06,0:18:18.96,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}事件资料被禁止了
Dialogue: 0,0:18:19.23,0:18:21.29,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}禁止了 为什么
Dialogue: 0,0:18:21.43,0:18:24.59,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}我怎么知道 这个应该去问审判员了
Dialogue: 0,0:18:28.14,0:18:31.23,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}刑事诉讼法326页3段一行
Dialogue: 0,0:18:31.47,0:18:35.47,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}看那里的话 检察是可以拒绝资料公开的
Dialogue: 0,0:18:35.71,0:18:38.11,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}杀死朴宰浩儿子的是警察
Dialogue: 0,0:18:38.45,0:18:42.08,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}野党的衣服跟警察的差不多
Dialogue: 0,0:18:42.52,0:18:43.95,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}朴宰浩是误会了
Dialogue: 0,0:18:46.09,0:18:47.61,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}别弄得更复杂了
Dialogue: 0,0:18:53.76,0:18:55.89,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}可以向法院提出公开命令
Dialogue: 0,0:18:58.80,0:19:00.27,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}律师当了几年
Dialogue: 0,0:19:01.24,0:19:03.64,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}对检察这样好像是不好的习惯
Dialogue: 0,0:19:04.71,0:19:06.26,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}直到现在一直是这样的吗
Dialogue: 0,0:19:11.31,0:19:12.40,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}睁一只眼闭一只吧
Dialogue: 0,0:19:12.95,0:19:14.61,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}都是一样的法政人不是吗
Dialogue: 0,0:19:15.98,0:19:17.71,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}那就让我浏览一下搜查资料吧
Dialogue: 0,0:19:17.92,0:19:18.91,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}作为同样的法政人
Dialogue: 0,0:19:20.52,0:19:21.28,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}申请吧
Dialogue: 0,0:19:22.06,0:19:22.52,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}向法院
Dialogue: 0,0:19:30.77,0:19:32.46,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}大哥 借我一下名义
Dialogue: 0,0:19:32.93,0:19:36.43,DramaCHS,,0,
다음 언어를 번역: -
다음 언어로 번역: -
결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
Dialogue: 0,0:11:24.75,0:20:36.72,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}虽然通过代理已经知道了 但是还是要再确认一次Dialogue: 0,0:11:28.88,0:20:36.72,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}你希望国选律师为你辩护吗Dialogue: 0,0:11:32.72,0:20:36.72,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}我是无罪的Dialogue: 0,0:11:34.16,0:20:36.72,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}在判决出来之前 你是无罪的Dialogue: 0,0:11:37.36,0:11:38.42,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}就这样Dialogue: 0,0:11:39.66,0:11:41.42,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}那我为什么被困在这里Dialogue: 0,0:11:46.40,0:11:50.39,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}因为人死了 所以一般来说是没有保障的Dialogue: 0,0:11:51.47,0:11:53.17,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}那害死我儿子的人在哪儿Dialogue: 0,0:11:57.11,0:11:58.41,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}是金秀满吧Dialogue: 0,0:11:58.55,0:11:59.48,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}那个拆迁者Dialogue: 0,0:12:00.32,0:12:02.04,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}那个人当然也在拘留所Dialogue: 0,0:12:03.25,0:12:04.45,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}真想杀人啊 兔崽子Dialogue: 0,0:12:06.99,0:12:08.19,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,不是流氓Dialogue: 0,0:12:10.08,0:12:10.81,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,是警察Dialogue: 0,0:12:12.59,0:12:13.46,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}警察吗Dialogue: 0,0:12:16.70,0:12:17.89,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}有目击者吗Dialogue: 0,0:12:18.20,0:12:19.19,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}我就是目击者Dialogue: 0,0:12:21.34,0:12:22.53,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}帮我公诉吧Dialogue: 0,0:12:23.94,0:12:25.96,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}起诉那些无限流氓的家伙们Dialogue: 0,0:12:26.57,0:12:28.24,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}起诉他们所有人Dialogue: 0,0:12:29.71,0:12:31.14,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}您杀了人吗Dialogue: 0,0:12:32.28,0:12:33.21,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}律师Dialogue: 0,0:12:34.65,0:12:36.64,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}我只有救我儿子这一条罪Dialogue: 0,0:12:49.53,0:12:50.62,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}朴宰浩先生Dialogue: 0,0:12:52.97,0:12:54.87,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}你希望国选律师为你辩护吗Dialogue: 0,0:13:01.94,0:13:02.88,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}这就是全部吗Dialogue: 0,0:13:05.41,0:13:06.44,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}要说的话Dialogue: 0,0:13:09.98,0:13:10.95,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}这就是全部吗Dialogue: 0,0:13:15.49,0:13:20.19,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}那个小区 在奥运会之前是露宿者一起聚的地方Dialogue: 0,0:13:21.03,0:13:24.90,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}可是现在在说什么新故乡 才会再次赶他们Dialogue: 0,0:13:26.20,0:13:28.33,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}事务局长 你当时也在现场吗Dialogue: 0,0:13:29.40,0:13:30.77,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}我在联立二层Dialogue: 0,0:13:31.47,0:13:32.70,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}那应该没看到现场Dialogue: 0,0:13:33.41,0:13:33.77,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}是Dialogue: 0,0:13:34.74,0:13:37.51,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}但是如果你需要的话 我可以做证言Dialogue: 0,0:13:39.48,0:13:40.41,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}您不是没有看到吗Dialogue: 0,0:13:40.92,0:13:43.41,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}你知道的 我们都是帮朴宰浩的Dialogue: 0,0:13:45.29,0:13:48.85,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}事务局长 请你不要再说这种话了Dialogue: 0,0:13:56.50,0:13:59.93,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}是啊 言论也不是那么不好Dialogue: 0,0:14:01.60,0:14:03.80,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}要是看整体的话 我们也没什么亏的Dialogue: 0,0:14:04.14,0:14:04.54,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}是Dialogue: 0,0:14:05.01,0:14:05.73,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}是Dialogue: 0,0:14:06.47,0:14:06.94,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}是Dialogue: 0,0:14:14.08,0:14:14.84,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}进行的还顺利吧Dialogue: 0,0:14:15.68,0:14:18.52,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}对于警察来说出动搜查是个问题Dialogue: 0,0:14:19.09,0:14:19.82,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}漏洞Dialogue: 0,0:14:22.89,0:14:23.91,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}虽然漏洞很多Dialogue: 0,0:14:24.36,0:14:26.42,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}但是变到百分百什么的完全没有问题Dialogue: 0,0:14:40.31,0:14:42.21,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}在星湖僿书中Dialogue: 0,0:14:43.08,0:14:44.87,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}有句话叫做木实繁者 披枝伤心Dialogue: 0,0:14:46.78,0:14:48.58,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}意思就是与其折断树枝Dialogue: 0,0:14:48.58,0:14:50.92,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}开始就不能让枝芽长起来Dialogue: 0,0:14:53.89,0:14:54.72,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}李部长Dialogue: 0,0:14:59.13,0:15:02.06,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}树要中心立住才会长得高Dialogue: 0,0:15:07.37,0:15:08.46,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}不是什么特别重要的事Dialogue: 0,0:15:08.57,0:15:10.56,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}就别跟后辈们说Dialogue: 0,0:15:11.01,0:15:11.43,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}是Dialogue: 0,0:15:11.64,0:15:13.30,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}结果还是广平做吗Dialogue: 0,0:15:14.44,0:15:15.27,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}是国选Dialogue: 0,0:15:15.84,0:15:16.87,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}这样啊Dialogue: 0,0:15:18.21,0:15:19.24,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}挺好的Dialogue: 0,0:15:19.68,0:15:21.15,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}反正也没什么差异Dialogue: 0,0:15:22.98,0:15:24.35,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}轻轻地做Dialogue: 0,0:15:29.39,0:15:31.62,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}说没说不要管这件事Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.63,0:15:33.06,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}说了 但是不是看的视频吗Dialogue: 0,0:15:33.13,0:15:36.39,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}就算是这样 但是做了这件事我们就完了Dialogue: 0,0:15:36.80,0:15:38.39,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}你不知道是部长不让管的吗Dialogue: 0,0:15:39.00,0:15:41.13,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}所以才要说服部长Dialogue: 0,0:15:41.54,0:15:43.40,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}你以为部长可能会同意吗Dialogue: 0,0:15:44.87,0:15:48.97,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}还有你有事的话 好好找条退路Dialogue: 0,0:15:51.05,0:15:53.07,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}广平也把那件案子扔给了国选Dialogue: 0,0:15:53.65,0:15:54.31,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}国选Dialogue: 0,0:15:55.25,0:15:56.18,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}广平 为什么Dialogue: 0,0:15:56.48,0:15:58.42,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}不想惹麻烦呗 不知道吗Dialogue: 0,0:16:02.46,0:16:05.98,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}大家好 我是首尔警察局长Dialogue: 0,0:16:06.76,0:16:07.66,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}为了全国人民Dialogue: 0,0:16:08.10,0:16:12.53,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}妈的广平那小子Dialogue: 0,0:16:43.40,0:16:44.59,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}尹镇源律师Dialogue: 0,0:16:49.37,0:16:50.89,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}这次案件一定有内情吧Dialogue: 0,0:16:51.84,0:16:52.17,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}啊Dialogue: 0,0:16:54.21,0:16:57.08,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}被害人说 杀死儿子的是警察吧Dialogue: 0,0:16:57.78,0:16:59.30,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}啊 被告人吗Dialogue: 0,0:17:00.28,0:17:01.18,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}被告人吗Dialogue: 0,0:17:01.45,0:17:01.81,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}是Dialogue: 0,0:17:04.58,0:17:06.28,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}这句话 我还真是不习惯Dialogue: 0,0:17:07.29,0:17:08.22,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}这里是打手Dialogue: 0,0:17:08.26,0:17:09.21,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}这里是警察Dialogue: 0,0:17:09.59,0:17:10.72,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}衣服好像啊Dialogue: 0,0:17:10.99,0:17:13.52,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}最近打手和警察的衣服根本就分不清Dialogue: 0,0:17:13.93,0:17:14.95,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}草 狗懒子
Dialogue: 0,0:17:16.23,0:17:17.06,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}看见了吧
Dialogue: 0,0:17:17.77,0:17:19.36,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}打手比警察先进去了
Dialogue: 0,0:17:20.13,0:17:22.60,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}准确来说13分钟后警察进去了
Dialogue: 0,0:17:22.64,0:17:24.26,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}然后这30分钟一直
Dialogue: 0,0:17:25.51,0:17:26.60,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}死了的朴新宇
Dialogue: 0,0:17:27.44,0:17:28.43,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}爸爸朴宰浩
Dialogue: 0,0:17:28.71,0:17:30.30,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}还有黑帮佣兵 金秀满
Dialogue: 0,0:17:31.11,0:17:31.77,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}理解了吧
Dialogue: 0,0:17:32.25,0:17:32.61,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}嗯
Dialogue: 0,0:17:35.82,0:17:36.87,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}你没理解吧
Dialogue: 0,0:17:38.92,0:17:39.78,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}我的意思是说
Dialogue: 0,0:17:40.35,0:17:42.05,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}如果金秀满杀了朴新宇的话
Dialogue: 0,0:17:42.09,0:17:43.78,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}应该在现场就被逮捕了
Dialogue: 0,0:17:45.16,0:17:45.72,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}可是你看
Dialogue: 0,0:17:46.39,0:17:47.52,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}没有逮捕他
Dialogue: 0,0:17:48.33,0:17:49.59,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}人死的瞬间
Dialogue: 0,0:17:49.80,0:17:51.79,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}那里就不是拆迁地而是杀人现场
Dialogue: 0,0:17:52.53,0:17:55.43,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}可是警察的作战一直在继续
Dialogue: 0,0:17:57.74,0:17:59.21,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}是拆迁户代表吧
Dialogue: 0,0:18:01.18,0:18:02.14,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}我是说
Dialogue: 0,0:18:03.18,0:18:05.15,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}不是说朴宰浩是无罪
Dialogue: 0,0:18:05.98,0:18:08.21,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}是说有什么在被隐瞒
Dialogue: 0,0:18:10.05,0:18:11.28,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}这不是小说
Dialogue: 0,0:18:14.92,0:18:16.55,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}看来不行啊
Dialogue: 0,0:18:17.06,0:18:18.96,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}事件资料被禁止了
Dialogue: 0,0:18:19.23,0:18:21.29,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}禁止了 为什么
Dialogue: 0,0:18:21.43,0:18:24.59,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}我怎么知道 这个应该去问审判员了
Dialogue: 0,0:18:28.14,0:18:31.23,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}刑事诉讼法326页3段一行
Dialogue: 0,0:18:31.47,0:18:35.47,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}看那里的话 检察是可以拒绝资料公开的
Dialogue: 0,0:18:35.71,0:18:38.11,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}杀死朴宰浩儿子的是警察
Dialogue: 0,0:18:38.45,0:18:42.08,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}野党的衣服跟警察的差不多
Dialogue: 0,0:18:42.52,0:18:43.95,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}朴宰浩是误会了
Dialogue: 0,0:18:46.09,0:18:47.61,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}别弄得更复杂了
Dialogue: 0,0:18:53.76,0:18:55.89,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}可以向法院提出公开命令
Dialogue: 0,0:18:58.80,0:19:00.27,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}律师当了几年
Dialogue: 0,0:19:01.24,0:19:03.64,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}对检察这样好像是不好的习惯
Dialogue: 0,0:19:04.71,0:19:06.26,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}直到现在一直是这样的吗
Dialogue: 0,0:19:11.31,0:19:12.40,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}睁一只眼闭一只吧
Dialogue: 0,0:19:12.95,0:19:14.61,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}都是一样的法政人不是吗
Dialogue: 0,0:19:15.98,0:19:17.71,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}那就让我浏览一下搜查资料吧
Dialogue: 0,0:19:17.92,0:19:18.91,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}作为同样的法政人
Dialogue: 0,0:19:20.52,0:19:21.28,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}申请吧
Dialogue: 0,0:19:22.06,0:19:22.52,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}向法院
Dialogue: 0,0:19:30.77,0:19:32.46,DramaCHS,,0,0,0,,{e6}大哥 借我一下名义
Dialogue: 0,0:19:32.93,0:19:36.43,DramaCHS,,0,
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
Dialogue: 0,0: 11: 24.75,0: 20: 36.72, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} though by proxy has been known but still confirm once again
Dialogue: 0,0: 11: 28.88,0: 20: 36.72, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} you want to choose a lawyer to defend the country you do
Dialogue: 0,0: 11: 32.72,0: 20: 36.72, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} I was innocent
Dialogue: 0,0: 11: 34.16,0: 20: 36.72, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} out before the judgment You are innocent
Dialogue: 0,0: 11: 37.36,0: 11: 38.42, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} so
Dialogue: 0,0: 11: 39.66,0: 11 : 41.42, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} That why I was stuck here
Dialogue: 0,0: 11: 46.40,0: 11: 50.39, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} Because the dead so in general there is no guarantee of
Dialogue: 0,0: 11: 51.47,0: 11: 53.17, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} that killed me Son of man where
Dialogue: 0,0: 11: 57.11,0: 11: 58.41, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} is Kim Soo over it
Dialogue: 0,0: 11: 58.55,0: 11: 59.48, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} that the demolition by
Dialogue: 0,0: 12: 00.32,0: 12: 02.04, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6 } The man of course also detention centers
Dialogue: 0,0: 12: 03.25,0: 12: 04.45, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} wanted to kill ah bastard
Dialogue: 0,0: 12 : 06.99,0: 12: 08.19, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, not a rogue
Dialogue: 0,0: 12: 10.08,0: 12: 10.81, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, police
Dialogue : 0,0: 12: 12.59,0: 12: 13.46, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} Police do
Dialogue: 0,0: 12: 16.70,0: 12: 17.89, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} witnesses do
Dialogue: 0,0: 12: 18.20,0: 12: 19.19, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} I was witness
Dialogue : 0,0: 12: 21.34,0: 12: 22.53, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} help me indictment it
Dialogue: 0,0: 12: 23.94,0: 12: 25.96, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} prosecute those unlimited rogue guys
Dialogue: 0,0: 12: 26.57,0: 12: 28.24, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} prosecute all of them
Dialogue: 0,0: 12: 29.71,0: 12: 31.14, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} You killed a man it
Dialogue: 0,0: 12: 32.28,0 : 12: 33.21, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} lawyer
Dialogue: 0,0: 12: 34.65,0: 12: 36.64, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} I only save my son this one sin
Dialogue: 0,0: 12: 49.53,0: 12: 50.62, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} Mr. Park Jae Ho
Dialogue: 0,0: 12: 52.97, 0: 12: 54.87, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} you want to choose a lawyer to defend the country you do
Dialogue: 0,0: 13: 01.94,0: 13: 02.88, DramaCHS ,, 0, 0,0 ,, { be6} That's all you
Dialogue: 0,0: 13: 05.41,0: 13: 06.44, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} to say
Dialogue: 0, 0: 13: 09.98,0: 13: 10.95, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} That's all you
Dialogue: 0,0: 13: 15.49,0: 13: 20.19, DramaCHS ,, 0 , 0,0 ,, { be6} that cell before the Olympics is the place where the homeless gather together
Dialogue: 0,0: 13: 21.03,0: 13: 24.90, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} But now talking about a new home will again drive them
Dialogue: 0,0: 13: 26.20,0: 13: 28.33, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} Secretary General at the time you are site do
Dialogue: 0,0: 13: 29.40,0: 13: 30.77, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} I simultaneous story
Dialogue: 0,0: 13: 31.47,0: 13: 32.70, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} that should not see the scene
Dialogue: 0,0: 13: 33.41,0: 13: 33.77, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} is
Dialogue: 0,0: 13: 34.74,0: 13: 37.51, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} But if you need the testimony, then I can do
Dialogue: 0,0: 13: 39.48,0: 13: 40.41, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} you are not do not see it
Dialogue: 0,0: 13: 40.92,0: 13: 43.41, DramaCHS ,, 0 , 0,0 ,, { be6} You know, we are helping Park Jae-ho of
Dialogue: 0,0: 13: 45.29,0: 13: 48.85, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} affairs Secretary please do not say such things the
Dialogue: 0,0: 13: 56.50,0: 13: 59.93, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} yes ah speech is not so bad
Dialogue: 0 , 0: 14: 01.60,0: 14: 03.80, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} to see if the whole then we have nothing to lose in the
Dialogue: 0,0: 14: 04.14,0: 14: 04.54, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} is
Dialogue: 0,0: 14: 05.01,0: 14: 05.73, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} is
Dialogue: 0,0: 14: 06.47,0: 14: 06.94, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} is
Dialogue: 0,0: 14: 14.08,0: 14: 14.84, DramaCHS ,, 0, 0,0 ,, { be6} also successfully carried it
Dialogue: 0,0: 14: 15.68,0: 14: 18.52, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} is out for the police to search It is a problem
Dialogue: 0,0: 14: 19.09,0: 14: 19.82, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} vulnerability
Dialogue: 0,0: 14: 22.89,0: 14: 23.91, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} Although many loopholes
Dialogue: 0,0: 14: 24.36,0: 14: 26.42, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} but changed to one hundred What sub-hundred absolutely no question
Dialogue: 0,0: 14: 40.31,0: 14: 42.21, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} in Star Lake僿book
Dialogue: 0,0: 14: 43.08,0: 14: 44.87, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} have a saying called real fan who draped wooden sticks sad
Dialogue: 0,0: 14: 46.78,0: 14: 48.58, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} means that its broken branches
Dialogue: 0,0: 14: 48.58,0: 14: 50.92, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} start can not let the buds grow up
Dialogue: 0,0: 14: 53.89,0: 14: 54.72, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} Minister Lee
Dialogue: 0,0: 14: 59.13,0: 15: 02.06, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} tree will grow up to be the center of unchanging high
Dialogue: 0,0: 15: 07.37,0: 15: 08.46, DramaCHS ,, 0,0 , 0 ,, { be6} is not a particularly important thing
Dialogue: 0,0: 15: 08.57,0: 15: 10.56, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} do not tell the younger generation say
Dialogue: 0,0: 15: 11.01,0: 15: 11.43, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} is
Dialogue: 0,0: 15: 11.64,0: 15: 13.30, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} the result was Guangping do it
Dialogue: 0,0: 15: 14.44,0: 15: 15.27, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} is the national election
Dialogue: 0,0: 15: 15.84,0: 15: 16.87, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} so ah
Dialogue: 0,0: 15: 18.21,0: 15: 19.24, DramaCHS, , 0,0,0 ,, { be6} very good
Dialogue: 0,0: 15: 19.68,0: 15: 21.15, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} no difference anyway
Dialogue : 0,0: 15: 22.98,0: 15: 24.35, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} gently do
Dialogue: 0,0: 15: 29.39,0: 15: 31.62, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} said did not say do not control this thing
Dialogue: 0,0: 15: 31.63,0: 15: 33.06, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6 } I say, but not to see the video you
Dialogue: 0,0: 15: 33.13,0: 15: 36.39, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} but even so we did it finished
Dialogue: 0,0: 15: 36.80,0: 15: 38.39, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} You do not know the minister do to prevent pipe
Dialogue: 0,0: 15: 39.00 , 0: 15: 41.13, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} there was a need to convince the Minister of
Dialogue: 0,0: 15: 41.54,0: 15: 43.40, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} Do you think the Minister may agree to do
Dialogue: 0,0: 15: 44.87,0: 15: 48.97, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} if there is something you find good Article retreat
Dialogue: 0,0: 15: 51.05,0: 15: 53.07, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} Quang Binh also put the pieces of the case threw the country selected
Dialogue: 0,0: 15: 53.65,0: 15: 54.31, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} country selected
Dialogue: 0,0: 15: 55.25,0: 15: 56.18, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} Quang Binh Why
Dialogue: 0,0: 15: 56.48,0: 15: 58.42, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} I do not know you do not want to get into trouble chant
Dialogue: 0, 0: 16: 02.46,0: 16: 05.98, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} Hello everyone I was in Seoul police chief
Dialogue: 0,0: 16: 06.76,0: 16: 07.66, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} to the National People's
Dialogue: 0,0: 16: 08.10,0: 16: 12.53, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} Shit Quang Binh That kid
Dialogue: 0,0: 16: 43.40,0: 16: 44.59, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} Yin Zhenyuan lawyer
Dialogue: 0,0: 16: 49.37,0: 16: 50.89, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} The case must have inside information it
Dialogue: 0,0: 16: 51.84,0: 16: 52.17, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6 } ah
Dialogue: 0,0: 16: 54.21,0: 16: 57.08, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} to kill the son of the victim, said the police right
Dialogue: 0,0: 16: 57.78 , 0: 16: 59.30, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} ah defendant do
Dialogue: 0,0: 17: 00.28,0: 17: 01.18, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0, , { be6} defendant do
Dialogue: 0,0: 17: 01.45,0: 17: 01.81, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} is
Dialogue: 0,0: 17: 04.58,0 : 17: 06.28, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} This sentence I really was not used to
Dialogue: 0,0: 17: 07.29,0: 17: 08.22, DramaCHS ,, 0,0, 0 ,, { be6} Here are thugs
Dialogue: 0,0: 17: 08.26,0: 17: 09.21, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} Here is the police
Dialogue: 0,0: 17 : 09.59,0: 17: 10.72, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} clothes like ah
Dialogue: 0,0: 17: 10.99,0: 17: 13.52, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} Recently clothes thugs and police did not tell
Dialogue: 0,0: 17: 13.93,0: 17: 14.95, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} grass lazy dog child
Dialogue: 0,0: 17: 16.23,0: 17: 17.06, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} saw it
Dialogue: 0,0: 17: 17.77,0: 17: 19.36, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} thugs than police go in the
Dialogue: 0,0: 17: 20.13,0: 17: 22.60, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} exactly for 13 minutes after the police went in
Dialogue: 0,0: 17: 22.64,0: 17: 24.26, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} then this 30 minutes have been
Dialogue: 0,0: 17: 25.51,0: 17: 26.60, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} dead Pu Xinyu
Dialogue: 0,0: 17: 27.44,0: 17: 28.43, DramaCHS ,, 0, 0,0 ,, { be6} Dad Park Jae-ho,
Dialogue: 0,0: 17: 28.71,0: 17: 30.30, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} There are gangs of mercenaries Kim Soo Man
Dialogue: 0 , 0: 17: 31.11,0: 17: 31.77, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} understand it
Dialogue: 0,0: 17: 32.25,0: 17: 32.61, DramaCHS ,, 0 , 0,0 ,, { be6} ah
Dialogue: 0,0: 17: 35.82,0: 17: 36.87, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} You do not understand it
Dialogue: 0,0 : 17: 38.92,0: 17: 39.78, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} I mean
Dialogue: 0,0: 17: 40.35,0: 17: 42.05, DramaCHS ,, 0 , 0,0 ,, { be6} if Kim Soo Man killed Pu Xinyu words
Dialogue: 0,0: 17: 42.09,0: 17: 43.78, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} should be in the field was arrested
Dialogue: 0,0: 17: 45.16,0: 17: 45.72, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} But you see
Dialogue: 0,0: 17: 46.39,0: 17 : 47.52, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} did not arrest him
Dialogue: 0,0: 17: 48.33,0: 17: 49.59, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} died moments
Dialogue: 0,0: 17: 49.80,0: 17: 51.79, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} there will not be demolished but the murder scene
Dialogue: 0,0: 17 : 52.53,0: 17: 55.43, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} but fighting has continued police
Dialogue: 0,0: 17: 57.74,0: 17: 59.21, DramaCHS ,, 0 , 0,0 ,, { be6} was evicted on behalf of it
Dialogue: 0,0: 18: 01.18,0: 18: 02.14, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} I mean
Dialogue: 0,0: 18: 03.18,0: 18: 05.15, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} said Park Jae-ho is not guilty
Dialogue: 0,0: 18: 05.98,0: 18: 08.21, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} is to say what is being concealed
Dialogue: 0,0: 18: 10.05,0: 18: 11.28, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6 } This is not fiction
Dialogue: 0,0: 18: 14.92,0: 18: 16.55, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} seems not ah
Dialogue: 0,0: 18: 17.06,0: 18: 18.96, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} event profile was banned
Dialogue: 0,0: 18: 19.23,0: 18: 21.29, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} prohibit why
Dialogue: 0,0: 18: 21.43,0: 18: 24.59, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} how I know this judge should ask the
Dialogue: 0, 0: 18: 28.14,0: 18: 31.23, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} Criminal Procedure 326 paragraph 3 line
Dialogue: 0,0: 18: 31.47,0: 18: 35.47, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} to see if there is prosecutorial disclosure of information may be refused
Dialogue: 0,0: 18: 35.71,0: 18: 38.11, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} to kill his son is Park Jae-ho police
Dialogue: 0,0: 18: 38.45,0: 18: 42.08, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} wild party clothes with police almost
Dialogue: 0,0: 18: 42.52,0: 18: 43.95, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} Park Jae-ho is misunderstood
Dialogue: 0,0: 18: 46.09,0: 18: 47.61, DramaCHS, , 0,0,0 ,, { be6} do not make more complicated
Dialogue: 0,0: 18: 53.76,0: 18: 55.89, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} can to Court public order
Dialogue: 0,0: 18: 58.80,0: 19: 00.27, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} lawyer for a few years
Dialogue: 0,0: 19: 01.24,0 : 19: 03.64, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} prosecutorial this seems to be a bad habit
Dialogue: 0,0: 19: 04.71,0: 19: 06.26, DramaCHS ,, 0,0 , 0 ,, { be6} until now has been that right
Dialogue: 0,0: 19: 11.31,0: 19: 12.40, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} eye, close a bar
Dialogue: 0,0: 19: 12.95,0: 19: 14.61, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} are the same person is not it Thammasat
Dialogue: 0,0: 19: 15.98 , 0: 19: 17.71, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} Let me look at the search data it
Dialogue: 0,0: 19: 17.92,0: 19: 18.91, DramaCHS ,, 0 , 0,0 ,, { be6} as the same Hosei people
Dialogue: 0,0: 19: 20.52,0: 19: 21.28, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} it apply
Dialogue: 0 , 0: 19: 22.06,0: 19: 22.52, DramaCHS ,, 0,0,0 ,, { be6} to the Court of
Dialogue: 0,0: 19: 30.77,0: 19: 32.46, DramaCHS ,, 0, 0,0 ,, { be6} brother by me on behalf of the
Dialogue: 0,0: 19: 32.93,0: 19: 36.43, DramaCHS ,, 0,
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
Dialogue: 0,0:11:24.75,0:20:36.72, DramaCHS., 0,0,0, and {e6} although through a proxy already know but still to reconfirm a
Dialogue: 0,0:11:28.88,0:20:36.72, DramaCHS., 0,0,0, and {e6} you hope state election lawyer to defend you?
Dialogue: 0,0:11: 32.72,0:20:36.72, DramaCHS., 0,0,0, and {e6} I was innocent
Dialogue: 0,0:11:34.16,0:20:36.72, DramaCHS., 0,0,0, and {e6} before the judgment you is innocent
Dialogue: 0,0:11:37.36,0:11:38.42, DramaCHS., 0,0,0, and {e6} on such
Dialogue: 0,0:11:39.66,0:11:41.42, DramaCHS., 0,0,0, and {e6} that why I'm stuck here
Dialogue: 0,0:11:46.40,0:11:50.39, DramaCHS., 0,0,0, and {e6} because the person is dead so general to say is, there is no guarantee
Dialogue: 0,0:11:51.47,0:11:53.17, DramaCHS., 0,0,0, and {e6} that killed my son in where
Dialogue: 0,0:11:57.11,0:11:58.41, DramaCHS., 0,0,0, and {e6} is Jin Xiuman
Dialogue: 0,0:11:58.55,0:11:59.48, DramaCHS., 0,0,0, and {e6} the demolition
Dialogue: 0.0:12:00.32,0:12:02.04, DramaCHS., 0,0,0, and {e6} the people of course also in custody
Dialogue: 0,0:12:03.25,0:12:04.45, DramaCHS., 0,0,0, and {e6} really want to kill ah bastard
Dialogue: 0,0:12:06.99,0:12:08.19, DramaCHS., 0,0,0, and not a rogue
Dialogue: 0,0:12:10.08,0:12:10.81, DramaCHS., 0,0,0, and is the police
Dialogue: 0,0:12:12.59,0:12:13.46, DramaCHS., 0,0,0, {e6} police?
Dialogue: 0,0:12:16.70,0:12:17.89, DramaCHS., 0,0,0, and {e6} have witnesses

번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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