2 people in 2009, begins to live two years ago, the original Stadium again, but not right now, after the incident last year, played 藝 professional calling card. The passage, 1 years 潛, Asuka and Asuka, cool'll came out, stub he has almost 20 years of 專 professional Opera Bastille stage Actor Dong Jun other, over the weekend, representative 東京 談 灣 company into cooperation. Dong Jun said other, Asuka and Asuka, cool, advises first continental 續 death to film the banquet and Opera Bastille stage debut the jingxi Zhan Xian sheng, another Music Opera Bastille, 終 singing Club Med just the hope of Office, back in his familiar place.Asuka and Asuka, cool, said he is now still in the reflection, spiritual sense air circuit breakers, "physically and mentally healthy, but because the change fat, 暫 time still not formally exposed." Little future he said wanted to early, but still wanted to go to Kaohsiung, Taipei, "灣 view public and media stadium is out of charity, let me no Stress" is looking forward to this spring found here.
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