Dual-frequency designs for rectangular microstrip antennas with a pair of narrow slots embedded close to the radiating edges of the patch have recently been presented [l - 31. The two operating frequencies are associated with the TM,, and TM,,modes of the simple rectangular patch antenna without slots. For the two operating frequencies the same polarisation planes and broadside radiation patterns are obtained, with a frequency-ratio range of 1.62.0 [l]. Recently, in contrast to these previous designs, dual-frequency operation has been reported by embedding<br>a pair of narrow bent-slots placed close to the nonradiating edges [I - 31, of the rectangular patch [4]. By adjusting the bend angles of the narrow slots, a tunable frequency ratio range of -1.29-1.6 can be obtained. In this Letter, we demonstrate that by using a pair of step-slots (see Fig. 1) embedded close to the nonradiating edges of the rectangular patch, dual-frequency operation, slmilar to that in [4], of the microstrip antenna can easily be achieved using a single probe feed. For the two operating frequencies of the proposed antenna the same polarisation planes and broadside radiation patterns are obtained. By using step-slots of various sizes, the frequency ratio of the two operating frequencies can also be adjusted. Details of the proposed antenna and experimental results are presented.
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